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Some Questions on Justice

Image courtesy of The “ twisted ruling ” of the Supreme Court, granting bail to Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile for a non-bailable case, and purportedly finding a constitutional basis to do so, showed once again how justice bends to the will of the powerful and the mighty.  One part of the story is the ability of the rich to engage better lawyers and build a stronger case ( Lopez, 2009 ). Another part of the story is the potential for justices to exhibit partiality in exchange for a sum of money , or in order to side with the powers that be . This brings me to an important question that I think every Boholano needs to answer – What do we mean by just ?  When do we say that something is just ?  How can we say that just ice has been served?  I will not attempt to answer these questions here, but add some more, using recent events in Bohol as a basis for framing the questions. Quest